Подвижно осветление
/Moving lights/
Прожеторите, които се движат, наричани още интелигентно осветление са неизменна част от всеки концерт. Тези движещи се глави (moving head lights) имат богат набор от възможности. Разновидностите, с които ние разполагаме са: Beam, Spot, Wash, 3in1

BSW350 3 in 1

Възможност за прожектиране на имена и лога
2 color wheels: one with 7 high purity overheat glass color slices + open, second with 5 colors and 2 correction filters + open;
2 gobo wheels: 5 high dense aluminium static gobos + 4 interchangeable rotating glass gobos;
Motorized focusing; Speed and direction adjustable 3-facet prism;

BSW280 3 in 1

BEAM 230
Множество визуални ефекти с лъчите
Color Wheel: 14 colors + white
Gobo Wheel: 17 gobos + open
Prism: 8-facet rotating prism
High speed shake effect
14 interchangeable colors, with dichroic colors
17 static gobos, with gobo shake and accurate position
Beam Angle: 3.8°
Linear frost
Electronic focus
Mechanical shutter and adjustable speed strobe effect.

Халогенно и LED осветление

Fresnel Light

Theatre spotlight

PAR 64

LED Follow spot
Следачи с 440W LED лампа. Разстояние на осветяване до 300 метра
Tехнически характеристики:
Light source: LED440W
Color temperature: 7500k
Power: 500W power supply
Control: Control panel with side, or DMX control
Light distance: 300 meters
Focus: Focus on the move
Color: 5 color + white (red, green and blue)
Temperature adjustable: 5800K, 4600k, 3200k
Linear: 0 ~ 100% dimming
Aperture: 5 ~ 100% dimming
Управление на осветлението, лазери, прожектори, блиц ефекти и други

LED PAR 18x15W

Martin Atomic 3000
Блиц ефект 3000W
Tехнически характеристики:
5600 K Color temperature
Continuous blinder effect
No cool down period via clever, integrated temperature regulation
Variable flash intervals of 20 ms to 2 s
Variable flash duration and intensity
Preprogrammed special effects
Self-adjusting power supply (90-260V, 50/60Hz)
Flash tube with a long life
Control via DMX



Подвижно осветление
/Moving lights/
Прожеторите, които се движат, наричани още интелигентно осветление са неизменна част от всеки концерт. Тези движещи се глави (moving head lights) имат богат набор от възможности. Разновидностите, с които ние разполагаме са: Beam, Spot, Wash, 3in1

BSW350 3 in 1

BSW280 3 in 1

BEAM 230
Множество визуални ефекти с лъчите
Color Wheel: 14 colors + white
Gobo Wheel: 17 gobos + open
Prism: 8-facet rotating prism
High speed shake effect
14 interchangeable colors, with dichroic colors
17 static gobos, with gobo shake and accurate position
Beam Angle: 3.8°
Linear frost
Electronic focus
Mechanical shutter and adjustable speed strobe effect.

Възможност за прожектиране на имена и лога
2 color wheels: one with 7 high purity overheat glass color slices + open, second with 5 colors and 2 correction filters + open;
2 gobo wheels: 5 high dense aluminium static gobos + 4 interchangeable rotating glass gobos;
Motorized focusing; Speed and direction adjustable 3-facet prism;

LED19x15W Big Bee Eye Light

LED Moving head Wash
Халогенно и LED осветление

Fresnel Light

Theatre spotlight

PAR 64

Follow spot

LED Follow spot
Следачи с 440W LED лампа. Разстояние на осветяване до 300 метра
Tехнически характеристики:
Light source: LED440W
Color temperature: 7500k
Power: 500W power supply
Control: Control panel with side, or DMX control
Light distance: 300 meters
Focus: Focus on the move
Color: 5 color + white (red, green and blue)
Temperature adjustable: 5800K, 4600k, 3200k
Linear: 0 ~ 100% dimming
Aperture: 5 ~ 100% dimming
Управление на осветлението, лазери, прожектори, блиц ефекти и други

LED PAR 18x15W



Martin Atomic 3000
Блиц ефект 3000W
Tехнически характеристики:
5600 K Color temperature
Continuous blinder effect
No cool down period via clever, integrated temperature regulation
Variable flash intervals of 20 ms to 2 s
Variable flash duration and intensity
Preprogrammed special effects
Self-adjusting power supply (90-260V, 50/60Hz)
Flash tube with a long life
Control via DMX

Avolites Pearl

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